Parent Testimonials

Our daughter has been taking ballet at 5678 for the past 2 years and we are very pleased with the quality of teaching our daughter has received. Her love of dance and music is being nurtured, she is developing an understanding of proper technique and discipline, she is having fun, getting exercise and making friends in the process. As a former professional dancer and highly trained ballet teacher myself, it was very important to me that we found a school that participates in a highly respected curriculum such as that of the Royal Academy of Dancing. Dance is a highly intricate art form and needs to be taught by those who have undergone appropriate training. It is so wonderful to know that as Katherine shares her love of dance with our children, she is also teaching age appropriate, safe technique from a syllabus that is shared with so many other dancers around the globe.I appreciate that as a certified ballet teacher, Katherine continues to grow and learn through participation in teacher conferences courses related to the RAD. She is bringing new ideas to the studio and ensuring that her students are receiving the good training they deserve. I was excited to see that she and Ricky took part in the En Avant Conference in Toronto this past summer with teachers and dancers from around the world. They have also introduced the “Progressing Ballet Technique” program to the studio, which is a world-renowned program to help dancers improve alignment, stability and body awareness.
In addition to providing a high caliber of dance education, 5678 is a family friendly studio and we love how inclusive, relaxed and fun the staff are. We appreciated how our daughter was able to enjoy participating in the end of year performance without any stress. She also had the privilege of participating in the Nutcracker this past December and it was a thrilling experience for her to be a part of. The school provided several weeks of rehearsals, costumes and many performances at no extra cost to parents! What a treat. The senior students took the little one’s under their wings and acted as wonderful mentors and role models. As parents, to watch children find joy in the art of dance is a gift and we are finding it at 5678.Amy, Dance Parent, Former Professional Dancer & Highly Trained Ballet Teacher
If you want your children to learn and LOVE dance then this is the perfect school for you. We moved to Kingston this summer and my daughters have been dancing for 5 and 3 years, we tried a handful of other schools here and felt that the quality of instruction was lacking. We did not feel this way when we walked in the doors at 5678! My daughters both absolutely love their ballet classes, teachers and friends. I love all the faculty, very dedicated, experienced and caring for the safety of all the students. Wonderful environment, feels like family.Stephanie, Dance Parent

We are a military family with a son who aspires to be a professional ballet dancer. It is difficult to find quality training and always so stressful for us when we have to move as it is never easy to leave a quality school. We were very blessed to have had great training at a ballet prepro for Ben for two years before moving to Kingston. When we were posted to Kingston, we were extremely nervous at having to find a school who might be able to meet Ben’s needs, both emotional and technique-wise.We heard about 5678 from someone who reached out to us on our Facebook post asking for dance school recommendations. They spoke very highly of the teaching staff’s experience with training students into the professional world, and of their excellent training for boys. We were impressed by the success that 5678 had in placing into professional schools, and decided to give the one week summer intensive program a try.
We were so incredibly impressed during the summer intensive. Even after only a few days, Katherine understood Ben’s personality and challenges and we felt like he would really have his individual needs met at 5678. The studio has also been amazing at customizing Ben’s schedule to best suit him and his goals, and they are always so flexible in adapting to individual needs.
Ben has also enjoyed his boys and pas de deux classes with Claude Marc so much. The experience of being mentored by great male teachers like Claude Marc and Ricky is priceless for a young dancing boy. His growth in skill and strength in only a few months has been tremendous.
I am dancing too, as an adult student. And now I’m taking ballet exams again, which is thrilling! It is rare to find a dance studio that takes adult students seriously, and I feel so encouraged and confident now. I am so impressed by 5678’s teaching expertise – I am even well on my way to fixing technique flaws and fixing my pirouettes, which after three decades of bad technique I had thought were unfixable. But now I have hope – and that’s all thanks to 5678! Sandra, Dance Parent & Dancer
My daughter has been dancing at 5-6-7-8 dance studios for the last two years. Her ballet instructor, Katherine, motivates her every week to try to her best and work hard, while at the same time infusing fun, laughter, and camaraderie. We have also valued the mentorship and support provided by the more advanced dancers. The performances are always beautifully choreographed, and are a joy for my daughter to be a part of, as well as to watch. Lesley, Dance Parent
Our daughters have just blossomed under the care, expertise and kindness of the instructors at 5678 ! They LOVE dancing and have gained tremendous confidence performing on stage. Thank you to everyone at the studio!Elizabeth & Bob Turcke, Dance Parents
Grace a 5678 Dance Studio nos filles ont développer une passion pour la danse qui grandit a tous les jours. C’est comme une deuxième familles qui se préoccupe du bien être de nos enfants. Le niveau de professionnalisme des professeurs se transmet aux enfants ce qui crée une confiance en eux mêmes. Nos filles démontrent déjà de l’intérêt pour plusieurs différent styles de danses. L’atmoshere du studio de danse encourage nos enfants a évolué d’avantage tout en ayant du plaisir. Les liens d’amitié qu’elles ont tissés avec les autres danseurs nous touche énormément. Nous tenons à vous remercier pour ces deux dernières années remplit d’aventures.Steeve et Nadine
I enjoy dancing at 5-6-7-8 because they have very kind dance instructors and they gave me a lot of courage to complete my first ballet exam. I think I have improved a lot in ballet at 5-6-7-8. I can’t wait to go back in September. Anna, Dancer age 8

My two daughters have both been dancing at 5678 Dance Studio since they were around three years old. They have always thoroughly enjoyed it and
they have both developed into very talented dancers. Both girls have also been members of the Studio’s competitive dance team, which has given them the opportunity to dance at competitions around Ontario. The Studio takes a serious approach to developing dance skills while still maintaining a fun environment and my daughters can’t wait to get started again in September.
Liliana Mendez & Barry Campbell, Dance Parents