Competitive Team

If you are interested in joining our competitive team,

call (613) 547-5678 and make an appointment with Ricky, our Artistic Director!

Competitive Company Information 2021-22

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in the 2020-2021 season, 5678 offered only solos, duos and trios (from the same bubble). Through this year, we participated in some amazing virtual competitions.  In 2021-2022, we plan to compete in person, and we will be offering competitive level 2 groups at each of the pre-pro levels 1-9.  Competitive level 1 groups will be offered if there is sufficient interest.

Competitive 2 company group choreography will take place on the September 6-10 week. Levels 1-6 will learn choreography September 6-10 from 5-7 pm.

Levels 7-9 will learn choreography September 6-10 from 7-9 pm

Each level will have an hour of rehearsal with an instructor for cleaning the competitive groups throughout the year.

We will be taking videos at the end of the choreography sessions in September and randomly throughout the year in the event of a shutdown that requires competitions to go virtual.

Solos, duos & trios are by request and will be scheduled either during the week when the dancer is already coming in, or on Sunday – so that it will be convenient for the dancer and their families.

Students will have access to rehearsal time. Once classes are up and running in the end of September, a rehearsal schedule will be at the desk and students may book rehearsal time for them to practice their numbers in the studio on their own.

For the 2021-2022 season, groups will not be mandatory, however, we do like to foster a team environment, and so participating in groups is encouraged.

To qualify for the competitive level 2 company, dancers should be registered in the pre-professional program.

To participate as a competitive level 1 company member, students should be enrolled in no more than 4 hours of classes per week and those classes should be recreational classes.

Prices for competitive level 2 company groups are as follows:
Competitive level 2: $799+HST
This price includes choreography and rehearsal for all eligible competitive groups at their level.  It includes 10 hours of rehearsal time in the comp intensive week September 6-10 and then an additional 1 – 1.5 hours weekly until March for approximately 34 hours.  Not included in this fee is competitive group entry fees (will be invoiced separately depending on if competitions look like they will be in person and costume fees).

Prices for competitive level 1 groups are as follows:
Competitive level 1: $349 +HST per group
This price includes choreography and rehearsals for one group rehearsing from October to March and additional cleaning sessions for approximately 18 hours of rehearsal time.  Competitive entry fees and costume fees are extra from this amount.

Solos, Duos & Trios
Competitive company 1 and 2 solos duos and trios include an initial choreography block of 5 hours followed by 3 hours of cleaning (usually booked in ½ hour increments).  This is a total of 8 hours.  Students may also reserve an unlimited amount of studio space (during set times) to practice their solos, duos & trios.

The cost for solos/duos/trios (not including competitive entry fees or costumes)
1 solo – $450 +HST
2 solos – $750 +HST
3 solos – $999 + HST

1 d/t – $299 +HST
2 d/t – $499 +HST
3 d/t – $550 +HST

Please note these fees include 8 hours of choreo and rehearsal time in addition to unlimited access to practice time (during set times).  Additional hour of teacher rehearsal can be booked through the desk at a cost of $25 + HST per half hour.


The Competition Team is for the serious student who loves to dance and perform. It is an intensive program that is aimed towards improving a student’s technique, stage presence, and overall performance ability.

Healthy competition promotes

  • Self Discipline
  • Self Motivation
  • Teamwork
  • Goal Setting
  • Sportsmanship
  • Builds Self Esteem
  • Builds Self Confidence


Etiquette & Conduct

Students and parents are required to show respect to instructors, office staff, and other students/parents at the studio and at performances. This includes students and parents from other schools. Misconduct will result in immediate dismissal from the team. The competition team members and parents should set the standards and be role models for others to follow.

Attendance Policy

It is extremely important that dancers have regular attendance in weekly and rehearsal classes. If the team Director feels that a student is falling behind due to absences then the parents and student will be notified. If the absences continue then the student may be dismissed from the team.

and Local Events

Competition Team members will be required to attend all competitions and local events scheduled. Local events consist of performance shows. Most activities will be scheduled over the weekends. If a student is already involved in several activities that may prevent them from being at every event then they should reconsider committing themselves to the competition team.